The aim of this Project is to create Technology for a reliable and efficient nitrogen removal from digester sludge dewatering reject stream or any other stream with high ammonium content. Intended technology reciepients are municipal WWTPs and industries producing high ammonium wastewater. The Technology is based on two-step deammonification. The first step of the process is partial nitrification, conducted in a way that allows efficient production of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB). This solution enables to carry out main treatment line bioaugmentation with nitrifying bacteria and therefore reducing the risk of decreasing nitrogen removal efficiency in the activated sludge reactor in case of Anammox process breakdown which results in sudden increase in influent nitrogen load. The second step of deammonificon is Anammox process, controlled by measuring the flow rate of produced nitrogen gas – simple and effective mean of process control. In order to do so a gas collection system from a part of a reactor will be developed to determine nitrogen mass flow rate. Each of a/m steps will be carried out in a separate reactor. Stability of cooperating main treatment line and possibility of simple control system are substantial advantages of the proposed Technology when compared to existing solutions. This Project will result in a development of a complete technology with a high implementation potential,which is estimated to be at least a few deployments in the project duration period and a few dozen further on. The Project will be conducted at the pilot-scale Research Facility which belongs to MPWiK SA (project leader), operated in process conditions similar to a real WWTP.