Bartosz Zięba and Kamil Janiak
9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering EKO-DOK 2017
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Realizowane granty
Besides academic and scientific research, we also actively participate and cooperate with other industrial parties in both research and development projects as well as solutions for individual cases of our partners. Our experience is documented not only by concluded projects and numerous scientific publications, but also rich history of collaboration with industrial entities seeking for individual solutions to their problems. If You are interested in either form of partnership, do not hesitate and contact us – we will make every effort to satisfy our client on fair terms and conditions.
Nieustannie poszukujemy perspektyw nowych badań i współpracy w ramach grantów międzynarodowych i krajowych. Zapewniamy wartościowe
Ostatnie wydarzenia
We are a large team of researchers from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology focused on cleaner and less energy demanding processes of wastewater treatment and activated sludge disposal.
Szukasz partnera do aplikowania o środki z programu Horyzont Europa? Jako zespół doświadczonych i innowacyjnych